Shields National Regatta
Team 107

Congratulations to Reed Baer, John Burnham and the crew of Shields #107 (Grace) for winning the 2016 National Championship.

2016 Shields National Regatta Archive

MPYC Website

Monterey Peninsula Yacht Club regatta website.

Yacht Scoring Website

Yacht Scoring regatta event website.

Shutterfly Photos

Photographs by Patrick Tregenza on Shutterfly

Quicksite Photos

Photographs by Patrick Tregenza on Quicksite

Presenting Sponsor


Media Sponsor


Victory Sponsors

Princess Whale Watching

Commodore Sponsors

Quantum Sails
OMG Marketing
Monterey Bay Boatworks

Platinum Sponsors

Platinum sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Gold sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Silver sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Bronze sponsors