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Beverly Yacht Club



G. H. Dunn Insurance

R & W Rope

Uncle Jons Coffees

North Sails

Cape Cod Shipbuilding

Harding Sails



Wednesday, September 19 – Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hosted by

Beverly Yacht Club, Marion, MA

National Regatta - 2012

Regatta Website Notice Board

Wednesday September 19, 2012 - The Sailing Instructions have been posted.

Wednesday September 19, 2012 - The practice race scheduled for 1400 on Wednesday will not have a committee boat and will consist of informal sailing only. Local boats will be sailing and will be available for sparring and questions but there will not be any courses or starts. Monitor VHF channel 68 to communicate with local boats.

The 2012 Shields Nationals is the 48th annual event and will be held from Wednesday September 19, 2012 to Saturday September 23, 2012 in Marion, MA. Shields Fleet 10 and the Beverly Yacht Club will be the sponsors.

The venue for the Shields Nationals is perfect. On most days by early afternoon the wind is blowing 12-18 knots from the South West. The starting area is a fairly short 30 minute sail from the Marion harbor mooring field, but the race course is enough out in Buzzards Bay so there will be little or no local knowledge advantage.

The Beverly Yacht club regularly runs major sailing events and National Championships. It has a well equipped Race committee boat and several mark and safety boats with experienced operators. The Beverly Yacht Club also has several USSailing certified Race Officers and Judges among it members and some of these will serve on the race and protest committees. We have hosted the Shields Nationals five times and many of the race officials who have participated in those events will likely participate in the 2012 event. All our best equipment and personnel will be used for the Shields Nationals.

Note that this year the sit down dinner will be on Friday night and an informal cookout after the awards ceremony on Saturday. There will be a separate charge for the Friday dinner. The cost of all other events will be included in the registration fee.

Shields Crossing
Photograph courtesey of Fran Grenon.

For those bringing their boats on trailers launch and haul will be at a local boat yard on Wednesday and Saturday respectively. There will be no charge; the expense will be absorbed by Fleet 10.

Mooring and or rafting with another Shields will be on a first come first served basis but everyone will be accommodated.

Housing will be provided for all visiting sailors on a first come first served basis. Historically we have been able to provide housing for all who wish it. The Shields National Class has available for each boat traveling at least 500 miles one-way a stipend of $300.

A Shields Mini-Regatta will be on Sunday September 16, 2012 that will consist of 3 or 4 races. Anyone planning to enter the Shields National Regatta is welcome to participate in the Mini-Regatta. Launch your boat on Saturday the 15th and race on the 16th and leave it moored until the Nationals. Last day to reserve Saturday launch is September 13, 2012. All yachts need to sign up for the Mini-Regatta at Regatta Networks

September - 2012
September 13, 2012Last day to reserve Saturday September 15, 2012 launch.
September 15, 2012Optional launch 1300 to 1500 (for participants in the Mini-Regatta)
September 16, 2012Mini-Regatta. Skipper’s meeting at 0930.
September 19, 2012Primary launch 1000 to 1400. Practice sailing at 1400.
September 20, 2012Racing - warning 1030.
September 21, 2012Racing - warning 1030.
September 22, 2012Racing - warning 1030. Haul 1400 to 1700.