Shields Parts List |
Link to Cape Cod Shipbuilding |
Boom Parts List |
1995 Style - Includes cut-out and internal outhaul. |
Boat Stands |
Link to Brownell Boat Stands, Inc. web site |
Quantum Sails |
Sources for cockpit and winter storage covers. |
Harding Sails |
Sperry Sails |
Trailer Storage |
Check-list for storing and re-commissioning a Shields trailer |
Trailer Trip Preparation |
Check-list for trailer axle trip preparation |
Launch and Haul - From the Builder |
Masthead article by the Goodwins - Spring 2006 |
Backstay Maintenance - From the Builder |
Cape Cod Shipbuilding Co. |
Cape Cod Shipbuilding Motor Mount |
Cape Cod Shipbuilding Digital Compass Mount |
From the Builder - Making Flotation Tanks Water-Tight |
Masthead article by the Goodwins - Spring 2010 |